Tag: npm
All the articles with the tag "npm".
Should I use JSR? The answer might be no.
Published: at 10:23 PMJSR arguably does what npm should. It is innovative and compelling, but it raises a lot of questions you should consider.
Yarn: A new package manager for JavaScript
Updated: at 09:51 PMFacebook fixes several problems with npm; will yarn become the new standard, will npm make changes, or will developers not care?
Changes to npm's unpublish policy
Updated: at 05:57 PMnpm decides to keep their unpublish functionality but puts in place rules to prevent breaking other packages
Why I Left Gulp and Grunt for npm Scripts
Updated: at 11:27 PMGulp and Grunt leave you dependent on plugin authors, stick you with debugging, and provide disjointed documentation. Why not just use JavaScript?
npm Private Modules
Updated: at 03:44 PMFor $7 a month, you can get the convenience of npm without making all your internal modules public
JavaScript I/O Brings ES6 to the Node Community
Updated: at 11:15 PMAre you sad that Joyent isn't forward thinking with node.js? Start using io.js, a community-driven fork of node.js
[email protected] released - The npm Blog
Updated: at 05:53 PMnpm 2.0.0 is a major version change but don't be afraid, your code probably won't break
sindresorhus's curated list of delightful Node.js packages and resources
Updated: at 10:13 PMDon't miss the best of the best when it comes to npm modules