Tag: ES6
All the articles with the tag "ES6".
React, JSX and ES6: The Weird Parts
Updated: at 05:11 PMValid JSX complaints: overuse of element nodes and an ugly API for if statements, doctype, and comments
ES6 In Depth: Modules
Updated: at 10:13 PMMDN posted this great article on export and import features and syntax, part of the ES6 In Depth Series
Hands on course to learn ES6
Updated: at 08:00 PMWith Traceur compiler and React's JSX, now's the time to learn ES6
Google SoundScript: faster OOP for JavaScript
Updated: at 06:00 PMChrome is toying with the idea of "use stricter" to allow significant speed improvements
Template strings: embedded DSLs in ECMAScript 6
Updated: at 11:23 PMGet used to backticks, ES6 introduces template strings
Step by step explanations of Promises including diagrams and a peek into implementing a polyfill
Updated: at 08:28 PMIf you want a walkthrough on the JavaScript Promises API, look no further
Polyfills as a service
Updated: at 03:34 PMUse the latest JavaScript features without worrying about polyfills: include this script tag to automatically polyfill based on browser user agent
The TC39 group (the panel charged with delivering ES6) has reached consensus on an abbreviated syntax for JavaScript function expressions
Updated: at 03:27 PMWatch for fat arrow syntax in ES6 along with its hard binding of the this keyword
jspm.io - jspm is a package manager built on top of the ES6 module loader that loads any module format: ES6, AMD, CommonJS, and... browser global variables
Updated: at 09:32 PMjspm: A strong contender for a JavaScript package manager that is friendly to node and the browser